Olivier Lisen

Talent Stories I The Experience of Olivier Lisen I Junior HVAC Engineer

3 min. read
Alyssa Lefever
Written by Alyssa Lefever
Marketing Officer at Sisu: Group

Discover the experience of Olivier Lisen, a Junior HVAC Engineer via Catalay, as he shares his journey and insights.


How do you explain your job to family and friends?

HVAC is an acronym for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. I ensure optimal ventilation and temperatures in buildings so that the people inside can perform their work to the best of their abilities. In short, the air quality must be good, and people shouldn't feel too hot or cold. As an engineer, I determine which equipment best meets the customer's requirements.


How did Catalay help you find this job?

I had a different educational background, but Catalay was very willing to explore how I could enter a different field of work. Thanks to them, I found a job as an HVAC engineer at Group-IPS.

I have been working at Group-IPS since September 2022. In the first few months, I had regular contact with my manager at Catalay. He asked me how things were going, whether I enjoyed the work, and if there were any issues. My answer was always positive. The contact is now less frequent because I have been integrated into the team and I'm satisfied with my work. However, if I have a problem, I can always reach out to him quickly.


How did your first few months at work go for you?

Very well. I learned a lot of new things. It's interesting to apply the theory from lectures to practical situations. I shadow a senior engineer and assist him, which is highly educational.

Additionally, I'm fortunate to have great colleagues. There is a lot of mutual respect. Furthermore, the work-life balance is pleasant. You're not expected to work ten hours a day. If you stay late, a colleague will tell you to go home. All these factors make me feel very comfortable and satisfied in my current position.


Can you tell me about an interesting project or accomplishment you were a part of?

Group-IPS is continuously expanding with new buildings. I'm involved in the HVAC part of one such new building. This means that I review the work of contractors and subcontractors and handle coordination. Since there are multiple workers and technicians involved in a project, it's important that they are aware of each other's tasks and that everything is done in the correct order.

I also increasingly lead meetings. It can be daunting as someone who just started working, but it's also a learning experience and beneficial for my personal development.


How do you experience the culture within Catalay?

I have personally experienced that the consultant's well-being is always prioritised when searching for a job for example. But next to that, Catalay also invests in your personal development through trainings. This allows me, for instance, to attend specialised HVAC training during the weekends.

Furthermore, the atmosphere is open-minded. There is no hierarchical setting whatsoever. I experience this, during the after-work gatherings organised by Catalay every two months for instance. You can easily have a drink with the boss. It feels equal and like a family.


What would you say to students considering signing up with Catalay?

Go for it! Catalay genuinely supports you in the search for a suitable job. Additionally, the after-work events are an opportunity to meet new people. It's not only fun, but it also allows you to expand your network. Moreover, you can exchange tips and ask questions. For example, I can meet engineers there who handle HVAC for other companies. So, I would say: join Catalay!


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