Working at Catalay

We are hiring talented professionals who are ready to elevate their careers to the next level. Are you a motivated and promising engineer; or do you have a technical bachelor with some years of experience? Let’s talk!

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Opportunities at Catalay

Permanent positions

If you’re looking for a permanent position at one of our interesting clients active in heavy industry, energy or construction/infrastructure, Catalay can help you find your next opportunity.

Project-based missions

Freelancer or project consultant? Get in touch with us to discover which possibilities are within your ambition at Catalay.

HQ positions

We’re always looking for ambitious professionals to join our HQ team at Catalay. Will you go for talent acquisition, business or talent management? Reach out to see which role fits your skills.

Career path 

The first contact is dedicated to getting to know your interpersonal skills and technical background better. 

Our selection criteria are based on several pillars: career development, ambition, interpersonal and personal qualities, technical skills, customer orientation, and flexibility.

 Based on your background, personality, and interest you have the choice to evolve on the technical side or deal more with management aspects (project-wise, people, financial). During your career at Catalay, you will constantly receive the advice, support, and training of the internal team. 

We are an organization that champions continuous learning, and we are committed to investing in your growth. We believe that’s how we achieve your professional goals, together. Join Catalay today!

Discover all jobs at Catalay

  • The story of Youri at Catalay

    I had the opportunity to work at Catalay on some great projects for almost two years. My Business Manager Arnaud Vandeput has always been very available and caring. He is a pleasant person, who listens and is always ready to assist his consultants in case of requests. I would therefore highly recommend working with him.

    Youri Cardamone - R&D Engineer

  • The story of Maxine at Catalay

    I found a new job in less than 2 weeks. Catalay guided me through the whole hiring flow.

    Maxine Robinson - Automation Engineer

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