Alessio Butera

Talent Stories I The Experience of Alessio Butera I Production Engineer

3 min. read
Alyssa Lefever
Written by Alyssa Lefever
Marketing Officer at Sisu: Group

Alessio Butera did a one-year project with Catalay, and is now employed by the company where that project took place. We asked him his thoughts about Catalay.


How was your first experience with Catalay?

From the very beginning, it became clear to me that Catalay stood apart from the average recruitment agency. During our initial conversations, one of the first questions they asked me was, “What kind of job are you looking for?” This emphasis on my needs and desires continued throughout the recruitment process.

Catalay took great care to understand my goals and aspirations. Instead of simply offering me a list of available jobs, they focused on helping me achieve my desired position. In my case, I expressed an interest in moving into the field of production engineering, and Catalay made that a reality for me. I am now working as a Production Engineer in a metallurgy plant, which is a fantastic step forward in my career.


What is the project about?

The main task at hand is to replace a key machine in the production line – a winding machine for wires up to two kilometres in length. As a Production Engineer, my primary responsibility is to ensure that once the new machine is installed, production can proceed without any hiccups.

I'm working closely with a maintenance engineer who is my direct colleague, and we report to the project management office. There are also several other engineers involved in the project, so it's a great opportunity to learn from and collaborate with people with different skill sets.


What does this project bring you?

Before joining Catalay, I felt somewhat stuck in my role in electrical engineering and maintenance. I was eager for a change and knew that I wanted to move into the field of production engineering. Thankfully, Catalay understood my needs and helped me make that transition. Now, I'm working in a field that I'm excited to be a part of.

Moreover, this role is allowing me to expand on my managerial skills, which is an important aspect of my professional development. I also have great colleagues who are supportive and inspiring, and after a year of working with Catalay, I'm now on the payroll of the company where I work. A nice token of appreciation for my work!

Overall, my experience with Catalay has been hugely positive, and I'm grateful for the opportunity they gave me to advance my career in a meaningful way.


What is Catalay’s added value for you?

I must say that they have been an excellent partner for me. Their approach to finding suitable projects for me was highly efficient, and they managed to match my skills and interests with the right opportunity. I appreciate their focus on understanding my needs and preferences before proposing any job offer.

In addition to their professional approach, the people at Catalay have been incredibly supportive and understanding. When I was negotiating my contract with my current employer, they offered me valuable insights and advice, which proved to be very helpful. They were always available to answer my questions and provide me with the necessary guidance, making me feel supported and valued.

What I also want to mention about Catalay is their commitment to social events and activities. Within just three days of joining their network, I was invited to participate in one of their events, which was an excellent opportunity to meet new people and make friends. Their social activities are diverse and engaging, providing a platform to network and socialise with other professionals in a relaxed and informal environment.


Would you recommend Catalay to others?

Well, I actually did that already! An old friend of mine was seeking a change of situation and I established the contact between him and Catalay. They have a proven track record of matching people with the right jobs and providing splendid support along the way.


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