Engineer looking at the horizon

Ethical considerations in engineering: shaping a responsible future

Business Insight
2 min. read
Syrine Farhat
Written by Syrine Farhat 2021

Engineers play a vital role in shaping the world we live in, and the impact of their decisions can be far-reaching, particularly in terms of risk management. Therefore, it is imperative for engineers to uphold a high standard of conduct. Engineering ethics encompass the principles and guidelines that engineers abide by to ensure that their decision-making aligns with their responsibilities to the public, clients, and the industry.

These principles include:

Prioritizing Safety

Ensuring public safety is of utmost importance in the engineering workplace. Emphasizing safety not only protects employees and customers but also enhances productivity and reduces costs associated with accidents and injuries. Engineers should inform employers and clients when their judgment is overruled when documents fail to meet applicable standards, thereby preventing harm and upholding safety and reliability standards.


Engineers talking


Improving Public Opinion

Ethics play a crucial role in enhancing public opinion about engineering professions. Being honest in public relations is vital for building trust, especially because engineering decisions directly impact public safety and well-being.

Enhancing Quality

Engineers should only engage in tasks that align with their education and experience. As a Project Leader, you may find yourself in a position where you are managing individuals who possess expertise in areas that you have limited knowledge about. In such situations, it is essential to transition from a specialized management approach to a more generalist style. This involves placing emphasis on building strong relationships, facilitating work by adding value, taking into account the broader context, and depending on your executive presence. The primary objective is to empower the specialists within your team, enabling them to perform their best and deliver high-quality work.


Engineers talking



Safeguarding the Company's Interests and Assets

Adhering to engineering ethics also serves to protect a company's interests. This involves not disclosing sensitive or confidential company information without explicit consent, avoiding unethical employment practices, and refraining from harming other engineers' professional reputations.

Recognizing ownership agreements for designs, inventions, and writings also ensures the protection of a company's assets, preventing theft and misuse and safeguarding its investments.

Fostering Sustainability

Engineering ethics encourage consideration of the long-term impact of work on the environment and society, promoting sustainable practices.




In conclusion, ethics hold immense significance in the field of engineering. They not only promote quality work but also emphasize operating safely and upholding a high standard of ethical responsibility. That's why it's so important in our job as recruiters to ask the right questions in order to find the best people who act both efficiently and ethically.

